Spanaway - 2017
Last Update: April 5, 2020
Added Events & Photos from those events
Added Tennative 2015 Schedule
On October 17, 2009, I became the third owner of this 280 class, Ron Jones, Sr. hydroplane. The hull was brought from Anaheim, CA. to Sammamish, WA. on November 28, 2009 by me, Gordy Gillmer, Dave Compton and Andrew Compton. The first order of business will be to remove the deck and inspect all structural members. Once the inspection and any subsequent needed repairs are complete, the boat will be rolled over and the repair work that is needed on the bottom will be done. THEN...back on her feet to be re-plumbed, re-wired and re-decked.
Keep checking back as I get the website refined and more information gets posted.
Steve Compton
May 27, 2014
Maiden Launch - May 14, 2014
Lake Tapps, WA.
Finally got her out on the water!
Ran The Streaker around the test course at Lake Tapps about 4 laps for the first time then brought her in to do the "look see". I was fortunate to have some of the sports experts on hand in addition to my crew. Many thanks need to go to Mary, crew Andy Thompson and Jim "Flash" Johnston as well as good friends, Dixon Smith and Don Kelson.
I think this pictures says it all!
Leaving the pits for the first time on Lake Tapps
Two guys that made the test perfect were Mike Malmo for being my patrol boat and the incomparable Chris Denslow who drove all the way from the Tri Cities and took over 100 pictures and shot, and composed, a wonderful video of the maiden voyage. Chris...I owe you big time!
The boat ran pretty good the first time out, I almost didn't want to come in, but I knew I needed to. I saw around 4500 RPM and just under 80 MPH (according to my GPS speedo) so that was a good first run to see how things worked.
The second time out, I was trying too hard to get her up on plane and actually spun her out in front of the dock. Once I regained composure, I pointed the nose West and got her up and going. I definitly need more practice, but I'll get it!
Once out on the course, it was evident that people were getting off work and the lake was busier than the first run. After dodging some jet skiiers and a guy pulling his kids on a tube, I was able to get the Gold Streak going pretty good. On the last lap, I put my foot down and saw 5000 RPM and around 90MPH. So I thought I'd be able to at least keep up with Kelson, Leach, Hodgkins, Schnieders, Parkers and the rest at Soap Lake...I guess we'll see.
All in all, the hard work seems to be paying off. A few little issues showed up, but something is always to be expected. After all, it's a raceboat!!!!
Jesse Roberston (relief driver of Mark Evan's U-57 Unlimited) is going to do the vinyl graphics on the engine cowl so when we show up at Soap Lake, the name will be on! I'm really looking forward to that!
I'll post the photos here once I get them from Mr. Denslow, in the meantime here are the links to the pictures and video Chris has posted on Facebook:
At the APBA Region 10 meeting last fall, one of our vintage buddies, Ron Morrison, announced that he had gone out and had an original Ron Jones Sr Racing Hull logo reproduced. Of course he had to buy a minimum number. and
with the setup, he was wanting to sell some of his "surplus". Well, as you can imagine, this was an opportunity one cannot pass up! In talking to John Leach a while back, I mentioned the logo and he had not been able to get any. And since Ron Sr. didn't have any more, this was a great deal!
Current Restoration Photos
Construction Log
©2014 Gold Streak Racing Team
Sammamish, Washington USA
All Rights Reserved
Steve, Mary, Ryan and Eric Compton
21122 NE 4th Street
Sammamish, WA 98032
Phone: 425-868-5098
eMail Steve